Polish Bible Translation Project is being realized by the means of
Evangelical Bible Institute (EBI) founded in A.D. 2000. It is based in Poznan, Poland.

Our Mission Statement:
EBI exists to translate the Bible
· from the original Hebrew and Greek languages to Polish;
· by translators who are both scholarly prepared, and spiritually transformed through the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit.

we also translate Christian literature helpful for hermeneutics, exegetics, theology, discipleship and spiritual growth of the believers.

Something unique about our translation project!
Our translation is going to be the first one in the whole 1000-years history of Poland done by Polish Evangelicals!

What is our driving motive?
Our desire is to be instrumental in the revival that Polish Christians pray for. So, as we say, "We translate the Bible for Revival" among the people of Poland.

We would like our translation to be:
· faithful to the original texts of the Bible (Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic);
· contemporary in terms of vocabulary, style, and communications;
· clear in its meaning for different people groups, such as Bible students, families, and the general public (the so called seekers included).
An additional unique feature of our translation is that it is immediately tested concerning its impact on those who are in search of salvation as well as for those who long for greater closeness with the Lord. Thus, the printed portions of our translation - mainly the Gospel of John - are being used on a daily basis in evangelism, on a weekly basis in local churches, and on a monthly basis during our Bible movement conferences. In each of these situations we gather feedback and apply it to our work.

Why do we insist that our translators have a personal relationship with Christ?
The Bible, itself, teaches us in 1 Corinthians 2:11-15 "For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one." Translations done by those, who themselves were transformed by the power of God, minister to Christians in a very unique way.
Such translations open readers' eyes to the treasures hidden in the Gospel, to the important life-changing truths announced there, and help people to live their lives fruitfully, reasonably, and joyously.

What more do we offer for those who want to know the exact meaning of the text?
We are aware of the fact that translation is something more than just exchanging the words of one language with the words of another. So...
· The translators provide the people who are particularly interested in various biblical issues with the study notes;
· We offer a complete 12-volume commentary on the New Testament,
· We offer the books of the Bible translated (1) for Bible students; (2) for the general public and (3) for family readings. On our web site you can find the Bible arranged in three columns!
· We offer notes "From the Desk of the Translator" meant for the edification of the believers. These notes are sent in English and Polish, via internet, to about 300 people around the world. You also may subscribe to receive them!
· We offer an outstanding selection of helps for parents by W. Foerster.
· We answer via e-mail all those who send us specific questions.

Where did the idea of "The Bible for Revival" come from?
Originally it was a step of faith and obedience on the part of an evangelical pastor Rev. Piotr Zaremba. As a preacher, and therefore a person who studies the Scriptures on a daily basis, he often refered to the original texts in his sermon preparations, evangelism, pastoral care and lectures in Systematic Theology and Ethics. Moreover, for seventeen years he was involved in translation work giving the Polish evangelical community numerous substantial volumes on evangelism, spiritual edification, and theological thought. Intermingled with his passion for revival, those factors nearly inevitably lead to translation of the Bible.

Who else is a member of the translators team?
The core team of the translators consists of Prof. Piotr Muchowski (Hebrew text), Rev. Piotr Zaremba (Greek texts), Anna Józak (Greek text), Marta Tylenda (as a Polish literature expert and renown journalist she makes sure the Polish of the translation sounds proper).

What do we mean by the three-column Bible mentioned above?
More than twenty years of full-time involvement within Christian ministry convinces us that in Poland there are basically three categories of people interested in different kind of translations
1. Pastors, Bible teachers and Bible students tend to be interested "literal" translations often accompanied by footnotes (Attention! A term "literal" may be misleading). These translations give them some access to the culture of the times of the Bible.
2. Those interested in the message of the Bible, the seekers and new converts, usually prefer literary translations. The language of such translations is smooth, easily readable, and great for evangelism.
3. Father, mothers and kids are interested in a translation they can read without much study of the Biblical times. They welcome translations which, without compromising the accuracy concerning the original texts, translate rare terms in an explanatory way. We call this translation an exegetical one.

What have we achieved thus far?
F The books of the Bible so far translated: The Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deutoronomy; The New Testament: Mark, Luke, John, Romans, Colossians, Philemon, Hebrews.
F The books of the Bible so far translated and available on the web site: Mark (literal, literary and footnotes), Luke (literal and footnotes), John (literal, literary, exegetical and footnotes), Romans (literal and footnotes), Colossians (literal and footnotes), Hebrews (literal and footnotes), Revelation (footnotes).
F The books of the Bible published and available in print: The Gospel according to John.
F Topical studies on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, some hot daily subjects, such as divorce and military service, articles on some complex words of the New Testament.
F The Commentary on the whole New Testament by William Barclay.
F Library for the Parents.

How can you obtain the fruits of our labor?
You may visit us on our web site. You may also e-mail us to receive our works as attachments.

Polish Bible Translation Project